St Mark’s Lutheran Church

The Rev. Joshua L. Morgan

 Pastor Joshua has been with St. Mark’s Lutheran Church since March 2021. Before being called to SMLC, he serviced churches both in Kings Mountain, NC, and Newberry, SC.

 Pr. Joshua was educated at The University of South Carolina, undergraduate studies; Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary- Columbia, SC, Masters; and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary—Charlotte, SC, Masters. His was ordained into the North American Lutheran Church (NALC) and duel rostered with Lutherans in Mission for Christ (LCMC).

When at SMLC, his duties consist of:

Adult and Children’s Education

Weekly Bible study

Sermon preparation

Home/Hospital/Facility Visitation

Weekly secretarial work

Catechesis preparation

Altar Guild / Music and Worship preparation

Special church activities ( Mardi Gras, Sunday in July, Back to School service, Advent White Elephant Gift Exchange to name a few)

 When not at SMLC, Pr. Joshua’s hobbies include: weightlifting, the culinary arts, traveling, beach time, and enjoying a good book. However, one of his greatest passions is exploring new daytrip locations and venues.

 Pr. Joshua’s true passion is making a connection with those he ministers to, allowing for a relationship built on trust and dedication. Chiefly, his love of Christ motivates and facilitates open, honest, and frank conversations about what it means to be an authentic follower of The Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.